Music Overview
At Wenlock CE Academy, we take pride in our vibrant music curriculum. Our lessons across the school introduce children to a variety of different instruments, such as tuned percussion, untuned percussion, keyboards, body percussion and voice. The children will look at music from around the world and music through history to discover different genres and instruments. They focus on the skills of listening, performing and composition in all of their units and build upon these key skills each year. The children will learn to work in groups of different sizes to build their performance confidence and have the opportunity to record as well as perform their work to evaluate their musical skills. We introduce a variety of ways to record their own compositions using different notation and encourage children to learn to read stave notation.
In addition to weekly music lessons, we sing together in Collective Worship each day and feature a Song of the Week, introducing children to both new and familiar songs that reflect our school values. A peripatetic teacher visits weekly to offer one-to-one or group instrumental lessons, and our weekly choir club provides further opportunities for children to develop their singing skills. We also create many opportunities for students to perform outside of school, such as the Young Voices massed choir concert, local massed choir performances (Singing spectacular), community events and performances for parents.
Music Mark is a yearly recognition for schools that shows how we put music at the heart of the school. See more details here.