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Worried about a child?safeguarding umbrella

Safeguarding Is everyone's responsibility; if you have a concern about your child or another child, please contact the safeguarding team in the school.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Ms O Burke

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL) Matt Hudson, Tony Clark, Rachel Anderson, Charlotte Robinson and Lisa Raynor

Safeguarding Governor - Mrs C. Yearwood 

 You can speak directly to them or ANY adult who works in the school.



If we have concerns we will normally contact the parent directly before contacting other agencies, sometimes we do need to contact social care advice or put a referral into them

Luton MASH Team

​Alternatively, you can contact Luton's MASH team directly:

Telephone: 01582 547653

Out of hours: 0300 3008123

Emergency: 999


Safeguarding children (

Safeguarding Curriculum Statement

We believe that:

  • All children have the right to be safe and to feel safe in school
  • All children have an equal right to be protected from harm
  • All children must be encouraged to respect each other’s values and support each other
  • All children have the right to speak freely and voice their values and beliefs
  • All children have the right to be supported to meet their unique emotional and social needs and their educational needs – a happy, healthy, social child will achieve better educationally.
  • Schools can and do contribute to the prevention of abuse, victimisation, bullying, exploitation, extreme behaviours, discriminatory views and risk-taking behaviours.
  • All staff and visitors have an important role to play in safeguarding children and protecting them from abuse.

The children in our school are our main priority, and we do everything we can to ensure they are safe and happy, both in school and outside.

At Wenlock CE Academy, safeguarding is always at the forefront of all that we do around our children's care, nurture, teaching and learning.

Our Trust places an equally high emphasis on safeguarding and child protection. 

Safeguarding is taught through different aspects of the curriculum.

Online safety is taught through the Computing curriculum, following a progression of age-appropriate teaching units.

Additional online safety learning is accessed through the whole school, key stages and class assemblies, eg. NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe programme, with additional follow-up activities as appropriate. Safer Internet Day assemblies and activities are delivered yearly.

Safeguarding relating to relationships with peers, families and other adults is delivered through the PSHCE curriculum, which is mapped for all year groups. Areas covered include friendships, family, and close positive relationships, hurtful behaviour and bullying, and safe relationships - on and offline. We always start our anti-bullying work with the National Anti-Bullying week campaign. 

Children are taught how to respond to keep themselves safe, using the NSPCC 'Pants are Private' resources, delivered through planned termly assemblies. 

Road safety is taught age-appropriately through practical activities where possible, eg. annual Road Safety Week assemblies and age-related activities. The Bikeability Level 1 and 2  programme is offered to all Year 5s annually.

Water safety is taught through our swimming (PE) curriculum, which is offered in Year 4. 

The safeguarding curriculum is enhanced by visits and visitors, eg. Fire safety and Fire service visits, visits from Police Community Support Officers regarding local concerns, keeping safe online, risks from online gaming, etc.

Children are taught that the special people in school are responsible for keeping them safe, and posters are clearly displayed around school. 

ALL staff build excellent relationships with the children and fully understand their role in safeguarding.

Children are taught and know that they can talk to any adult in school about anything that concerns them. 

Staff follow established procedures for reporting and actioning safeguarding concerns.

​If you have any questions about how safeguarding is taught at Wenlock CE Academy, please contact Ms Burke, Headteacher and DSL, through the School Office


Useful Safeguarding Links:

The Luton Safeguarding Children Board

“Protecting vulnerable children is everyone’s business. We all need to be alert, and know what to look out for and where to go for advice. We should also have the confidence to report any acts of abuse, safe in the knowledge they'll be followed up”. 

