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Parents and Carers

Contact between home and school is important to your child's education. We are always pleased to discuss problems relating to your children.

Being Part of a Family

Family is a very important part of life at Wenlock School. Parents and carers are encouraged to come into school, help with reading and other classroom activities, and accompany children on school trips.

Parents and Carers also play an important part in helping our children celebrate the vast array of different cultures represented at our school and are regularly invited to participate in our assemblies and school events.

We see school as an extension of the children's own families and a family in our own right, offering security, stimulation and a springboard to try out new things.

Home School Agreement

This agreement outlines the commitments from school, pupils and families to ensure an effective and supportive partnership.

The School - We will:

  • encourage the children to do their best at all times
  • encourage children to care for others and their surroundings
  • inform parents of their child's progress
  • inform parents about what the teachers aim to teach the children
  • endeavour to provide a safe, secure and happy learning environment for all pupils
  • inform parents of future school-based events

The Family - We will:

  • make sure their child arrives on time - from 8.30am
  • make sure their child attends regularly and provide a note of explanation if their child is absent
  • Uphold our behaviour rules: Be Eager, Respectful and Safe
  • attend Open Evenings, Parent Consultation meetings and Open Days whenever possible
  • support the life of the school whenever possible, for example, by attending class assemblies
  • make sure their child has appropriate equipment, clothing, uniform and P.E. kit
  • encourage regular time for homework

The child - I shall try to:

  • Arrive to school every day and on time
  • Follow our school rules; Be Eager, Respectful and Safe
  • follow the school code of conduct
  • take responsibility for my own behaviour
  • treat others with courtesy, consideration and kindness
  • do all my classwork and homework as well as I can

Together - we will:

  • work on any special needs
  • encourage the children to keep the school rules
  • support each child's learning to help them achieve their full potential.


Every Friday, each class teacher will set English and Maths homework via Google Classroom, which is due by the following Wednesday.

Class teachers will also set weekly spellings for the children to learn, ready for a weekly spelling test.

Children should also be reading at home each day to an adult. The children must practice and learn their times tables.

Helping your child become a successful reader

Set aside 10 to 15 minutes each day to read with your child. It will make all the difference! This can be done using books from school (within the child's ZPD bracket) and also on Pupils can also quiz on any book that they finish reading from home using the or Accelerated Reader.

Make reading an enjoyable and positive experience:

  • Talk about the book
  • Encourage your child to 'sound out' words that they do not recognise
  • Use picture and context clues to help them
  • Maintain their reading flow - allow them time to 'self-correct', read along with them and explain difficult words first.
  • Talk about the book and ask questions of what is happening and why
  • Success is the key, praise your child and build up their self confidence.